Alexandre Lepoutre
Alexandre Lepoutre
Avocat, Employee Benefits
"Since the day I arrived in the firm, the first element that made an impression on me was the atmosphere of kindness and the willingness of other people to enthusiastically listen to each other's ideas."
Give a brief overview of your role at the firm now, when you joined and your background before joining.
Since the beginning of 2021, I have been an associate in the Employee Benefits team of the Clifford Chance Paris office, which I joined for good following a successful internship in 2020. Being of both French and Greek citizenship, I always believed in the strength of international academic and professional careers. After a double degree in law and foreign languages, I graduated from the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas in Business Law and Management, before joining the Paris Bar School. Throughout those years, I had the opportunity to study one semester abroad at the University of Buenos Aires and to complete internships in an NGO in Medellin, in a law firm in Barcelona, and as an in-house lawyer in Paris.
Why did you become a lawyer – what prompted and sustained your pursuit?
I first wanted to become a lawyer to be able to work daily on the law and its infinite use, for me the most fabulous intellectual discipline that I discovered during my first years of university and which continues to fascinate me since that moment. I also always believed lawyers can be powerful actors of change and invaluable business partners for their clients when assisting them with their most complex and strategic challenges that they face. Finally, I had the conviction that lawyers should be advocates of a fairer and more equitable world, core values essential to me. Our Employee Benefits practice really embodies those values by constantly questioning ourselves how, with the help of our legal tools, we can assist our clients in equitably sharing the value in their company and grant the right incentives to the right employees.
How would you describe the culture and atmosphere at Clifford Chance?
For me, Clifford Chance has a strong culture of excellence and commitment, permanently encouraging lawyers to give the best of themselves to deliver the most valuable work to clients of the firm. This culture is reinforced by efficient and constant teamwork, either between members of the same practice area or, even more, when it comes to cross-practice or cross-border projects. Yet, this would never be possible without solid confidence and trust I believe partners of the firm have for each lawyer working in their team. There is always room for each other's ideas and Clifford Chance is a workplace where everyone's uniqueness can constantly flourish.
What are the key skills you have developed here which have been invaluable to your career?
I would say that adaptability and embracing change are among the most valuable skills I have developed at Clifford Chance. The constant interactions with clients and adjustments in their needs have made me a more versatile individual. My confidence and leadership have also been reinforced, resulting on the one hand from my permanent legal knowledge improvement on the various matters I have worked on and on the other hand, from the faith of members of my team and supervisors in my work. Finally, I believe my sense of initiative and proactivity have strengthened as Clifford Chance is a firm constantly seeking change and new ideas from its workforce.
What do you like most about your job?
Well, I like the diversity of clients and subject matters I have the opportunity to daily work on and above all, the constant room for improvement and innovation we have as lawyers, especially in my practice area, Employee Benefits. Law is a field in constant evolution and as a lawyer in Clifford Chance I like the idea that, with the work we deliver to clients, we can bring our stone to this transformation. Separately and even more importantly in the light of my personal career, my daily work with international stakeholders is one of the aspects of my job I appreciate the most, either with fellow lawyers or clients from foreign countries. I feel extremely grateful that I can develop my professional skills in an international working environment and in a firm where international profiles and cultures are highly valued.
What do you notice and value most about the people?
Since the day I arrived at the firm, the first element that made an impression on me was the atmosphere of kindness and the willingness of other people to enthusiastically listen to each other's ideas. You always feel all individuals are treated with respect in Clifford Chance and that everyone can make a positive difference in the firm. I must also highlight that people are very keen on teamwork, a character feature not so usual for lawyers, that I believe results from our various cross-practice projects and which in the end, unites us as one single firm.
What is your key advice for anyone considering a career at Clifford Chance / OR a career within the legal sector?
Be yourself!
I strongly believe one's uniqueness is his or her best strength and that your intuition is your best ally. Bravery and perseverance are always rewarded in some way and therefore, do not fear to take different paths to achieve your goals. Combined with a great sense of humility – your route towards personal improvement is never over – and hard dedication and work – necessary in the legal sector – you have all the ingredients for successful first steps at Clifford Chance.
What's the best piece of advice you've received since joining/ OR your best lesson/takeaway?
Probably to never stop learning and improving your knowledge. The legal sector is a field in constant evolution, especially in my practice area, Employee Benefits. So much remains to be discovered, learned and developed. Clients refer to our services to provide them with the most accurate legal advice and one of the most efficient ways to do so, is to constantly seek knowledge and innovation in your field.
What is the most exciting deal/matter/project you have worked on recently?
I am particularly excited to be currently assisting a listed company in the automobile industry with the implementation of its new employee share ownership plan, which will be deployed in more than 30 countries all over the world. This project captures all the intellectual complexity we face in our practice, in particular in view of its international coordination and the ambitious assessment of its corporate, regulatory, labour and tax aspects in all countries where employees will be offered to participate in the plan. At the same time, I also work on the reward structure for top executives of that same company and the assessment of the most efficient incentives to link their remuneration to determined economic or social metrics of the company. For me, this project encapsulates the essence of our Employee Benefits practice area: a constant search for the best way to share the value within a company, at all levels.
What motivates you/OR what makes it worth it for you?
My greatest motivation at work might be the interest of matters I am working on and even more, the diversity of projects I can be involved in within just one day. I love feeling that, when I leave the office at the end of the day, I have accomplished so many different and interesting things that evolved throughout the day following our constant interactions with clients. Looking back at my first day in Clifford Chance, I sometimes cannot believe how many projects I have already worked on! Of course, another source of daily inspiration can be found in my fellow colleagues and knowing that every day, you will be interacting with bright minds in a friendly environment. Last but not least, I love the idea that each and every day, your attitude in the firm can somehow make a change and that you can always brighten someone's day, either by assisting a client, or helping a colleague: other people's gratitude serves as a great motivation to me.
What differentiates Clifford Chance from other firms/organisations you have worked at?
Without a doubt, the constant drive for innovation and improvement. Clifford Chance is and has been a pioneer in many sectors and legal areas, I think due to the fact that each one of us is always encouraged to give the best of himself or herself and is convinced that, together as a firm, we can be key actors of change in the legal practice. I also believe the international dimension of the firm lies within its DNA. With offices covering the most influential business places over the five continents, international matter management and project coordination are part of our daily work and one of the most important strengths of Clifford Chance. The incredible support from the various teams of the firm, from document production to business developers or IT specialists, must finally be highlighted as a key differentiating factor for fulfilling client's expectations the best we can.
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