Accessibility Statement

Clifford Chance content is hosted on a SmartRecruiters Attrax career site which adopts the following accessibility policy.


Find out more information on these guidelines. 

What is our level of accessibility? SmartRecruiters Attrax is committed to complying with all Level AA requirements of the current Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (‘WCAG’) (current version WCAG 2.1, AA) on all public-facing interfaces. When designing and developing our software and public facing interfaces, we consider W3C standards and aim to be compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1) Level AA. 

How do we keep our accessibility standards? 

We incorporate the ‘accessible by default’ mantra into our client delivery process as well as into our product development life cycle. We use design tools during the design phase of our build process for example, ensuring colour contrast ratios are set correctly allowing visually impaired users to read text and see content using any device. At specific points within our build process we complete individual page and site-wide accessibility scans: issues are resolved during the build ensuring pages are compliant before the project is delivered to our clients. We regularly review and update our core software to ensure the markup generated by the system supports the delivery of accessible career sites of the shelf. 

 What are the tools we use for accessibility verification and testing?

 In the prototyping, wireframing or design phases of a build or when building a new feature into our core product we use Stark for Adobe XD. This tool helps us design with accessibility in mind. In the build phases of the website we use a mixture of Siteimprove Accessibility Checker and WAVE Evaluation Tool to assess individual pages or page components. Both tools are aligned with WCAG 2.1 and WAVE also performs an accessibility evaluation using aspects of the US federal 508 compliance. We run automated scans against all pages across a site using PowerMapper SortSite. This tool provides us with an interactive report for every page in the site, down to WCAG 2.1 AAA standards. 

This final check ensures we have tested every page we have built and the project is delivered with the highest accessibility rating as possible.

In general - As well as working to ensure we are compliant with WCAG standards we also want to make sure the site works from a practical perspective for blind or visually impaired users. We also test key pages using the NVDA screen reader to ensure the markup generated by our system, and the customer design layer on top of that can be navigated and recognised by a screen reader tool. 

 Accessibility features in your browser




Microsoft Edge 


 Font sizes

 You may change the font size of this document to your preference through your browser: 

• In Chrome you can change the size of everything on the web pages you visit, including text, images, and videos, or you can change only the size of the font. Note: Some websites don't let browsers change only the text size. Chrome won’t be able to adjust the font size for those sites. At the top right, click more and then settings > click appearance > change font size: next to 'Font size', click the down arrow> then select the font size that you want. You can also change more font options by clicking customise font 

• In Internet Explorer, select view, then text Size, and then your preferred size 


• In Firefox 3 and above, select zoom text only to only change the text size, or unselect it to change the size of the entire page. 

Questions or feedback

If you have any questions or feedback regarding the accessibility of this site, or if you experience any difficulty using it, please contact us.

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