Elena Annunziata

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Elena Annunziata

Campus Recruiter

"In my opinion, Clifford Chance boasts a remarkable culture and a very friendly atmosphere. I am incredibly proud of working for a firm which has embedded the values of diversity and inclusion in its culture."

I currently work in the HR team as a Campus Recruiter. I am responsible for the management and recruitment of our interns, both trainee lawyers and support interns (like HR, Communication and Business Development). Furthermore, I work with my managers on the recruitment of Business Professionals and I am part of the Diversity & Inclusion committee of the Paris office. I am particularly involved in the Accelerate network, whose aim is to promote gender equality in the Firm. I joined the firm as an HR intern back in July 2021, just after my graduation. I have a background in contemporary literature: in fact, I hold a Bachelor's and a Master's in Literature from Ca' Foscari University of Venice. During my time in Venice, I was also a member of Ca' Foscari's International College, the Italian equivalent of a French grand école, which provided me with a multicultural and multidisciplinary education. I have also spent quite a lot of time at the Sorbonne in Paris: back in 2017 I was awarded an Erasmus scholarship and I spent the whole second year of my BA degree there. I returned to Paris for the last semester of my Master's degree in January 2021 and in the end, I never left France! 

Why did apply for this role and function – what prompted and sustained your interest? 

I have had the immense fortune of being hired right after my internship, so my understanding of the role and of the function was a matter of personal development as well. When I applied for the role of HR intern, I already knew that I wanted to work in the field of HR. I have always liked working with people and I have always strived to have a positive impact on others around me. Furthermore, I was really interested in the field of law – actually, when I was in high school, I wanted to become a lawyer! Working as an HR at Clifford Chance seemed like the perfect combination of my different passions and interests, so I applied straight away! 

How would you describe the culture and atmosphere at Clifford Chance? 

 In my opinion, Clifford Chance boasts a remarkable culture and a very friendly atmosphere. I am incredibly proud of working for a firm which has embedded the values of diversity and inclusion in its culture. As an HR it is really vital for me that the people around me can be able to thrive and appreciate their day-to-day job. I am really proud when lawyers, interns or BP tell me how amazed they were when they discovered how friendly, approachable and collaborative people are at Clifford Chance. Before joining the firm, I was scared of finding myself in a very corporate, conservative and uptight environment. From my first day in the office, I found out that my fears had no reason to be! Everyone has always been extremely kind to me and I have always felt like the firm was the "right place to be". Actually, I think that culture and atmosphere are intertwined when it comes to a firm like ours, so the fact that we have a positive atmosphere depends on our inclusive, dynamic and international culture.

What are the key skills you have developed here which have been invaluable to your career?

During the past year, I have developed a lot of skills which I am sure will turn out to be assets for my career. Firstly, I have learnt a great deal of diplomatic skills: sometimes you are confronted with a person who has different ideas than yours. This doesn't mean that the two of you need to clash, as the result would then be zero. On the contrary, by taking into account other people's ideas it is possible to get to a compromise which, in the end, might even turn out to be better than the first idea you had! Another skill, more obvious but still relevant, is an enhanced knowledge of how the French university system and internships work.

What do you like most about your job?

I might have already mentioned that but one of the things I like the most is the contact I have with people. Another aspect I like is that every day is different from the previous one. As a recruiter, you will never get tired because there will always be some new project, recruitment or process on the table! My job is incredibly dynamic and I am constantly interacting with people coming from all over the world. For example, in July 2021 we organised the first edition of the Scholarship for Diverse Students, a project in which nearly all European HRs were involved. It was amazing to see such a wonderful project come together through the work of so many people spread everywhere in Europe (and Africa as well!)

What do you notice and value most about the people?

Some of the things I notice and value the most about people are kindness, adaptability and a sense of humour! Another aspect I really appreciate about people is an open-minded, proactive and curious attitude. Last but not least, the ability to work in a team is crucial for me.

What is your key advice for anyone considering a career at Clifford Chance?

Do not underestimate yourself! Sometimes a big name like Clifford Chance can intimidate you and make you feel like you are not enough. However, sometimes we are our own biggest enemies, especially us women. My advice would be to dare and send the application if a role interests you. Do not try to present yourself in an "ideal" way but rather be consistent with who you are, with your passions and experiences. As an HR I am not looking for the perfect CV, but for a real person who can work and thrive at Clifford Chance.

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