Our people

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Katharina Creutz


"The firm fosters a positive way of thinking and promotes a strong team spirit. It motivates me as I know that I can make a difference, and that the efforts I put into my work each day have an impact for me and for others."

Why I joined 

The firm's reputation in the market speaks for itself, but when I got to meet the people I would work with, I knew that this was the right environment to contribute to and develop in. I joined Clifford Chance Luxembourg because its tax practice is first-rate. The international dimension of the firm was also a driver for my decision, since I like interacting with clients and lawyers from different backgrounds. 

Clifford Chance is recognised as a trusted adviser to many clients and known to provide a high quality of work. Gaining trust requires hard work and I am proud to be part of a team having such impact. 

What keeps me engaged 

There are many things that encourage me to get up to work at Clifford Chance each morning but most importantly, I feel taken care of and that my skills and my personality are valued and appreciated. 

The best thing about my job 

I enjoy being part of an ever-changing environment that challenges me intellectually, but also allows me to pass on my knowledge and share it with others, whether this is through coaching junior lawyers or exchanging advice with colleagues from different practices. I can work independently but also engage with brilliant people; having this liberty is very rewarding. The international approach of Clifford Chance with its global network allows me to exchange with colleagues from different backgrounds and work for a diverse client range. This clearly gives me the opportunity to expand my horizons. 

My most rewarding experience so far... 

My most rewarding experience in the past year has been my secondment with the Tax team of Clifford Chance in Frankfurt, Germany. I had the excellent opportunity not only to broaden my technical knowledge and expand my market insight, but also to bring our teams closer together. 

The recruitment process 

What struck me the most was the way we (my future boss, the HR team and I) met at eye level when discussing my opportunities with Clifford Chance. What mattered in our exchange was where I see myself in a couple of years. Such projection gave me confidence that I can build up my career here in the long term. When I joined the firm, I felt very welcome right from the beginning. 

The people 

People at Clifford Chance are bright! It's a pleasure to work with my cross-practice and cross-border colleagues. They all have something to say and are very approachable, friendly and encouraging. 

My motivation 

The firm fosters a positive way of thinking and promotes a strong team spirit. It motivates me as I know that I can make a difference and that the efforts I put into my work each day have an impact for me and for others. 

My advice 

Practicing law means being rigorous, disciplined and hard working. But one should not forget to be passionate and curious to discover a vivid and fast-changing field. Everyone has a distinctive talent that can make a difference and contribute well to the success of our teams. That's clearly recognised and valued by Clifford Chance. Be interested in the market around you, understand what matters to our clients and learn to see opportunities. As a good lawyer, you should not only focus on your legal expertise but also share what makes you the person you are. Don't be shy to discover the unknown and let your talent shine.

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