Responsible Business

A Responsible Business

We recognise that being one of the world's leading law firms has its responsibilities. We are committed to supporting the communities where we do business by widening access to justice, education and finance. We collaborate with clients, NGOs and charities to deliver these community outreach and pro bono services, with partner-led, client-focused teams.

As a leader in our field, we are rightly held to high standards in all we do. We believe that our licence to operate, the sustainability of our business and the achievement of our vision are dependent on our ability to inspire trust and earn the confidence of all our stakeholders.

To do this, we must act responsibly, creating long-term, sustainable value and supporting their future success. We use our commitment to the UN Global Compact, and associated global frameworks, to help shape our approach.

The concepts that are integral to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) are embedded in our Responsible Business strategy. For instance, we align our operations to contribute towards a number of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), focusing on those areas where we can make the greatest contribution, and we intend to continue to do so through to 2030.

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