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Manju Singh 

HR Advisor

"Learning never stops and one must be a lifelong student"

Give a brief overview of your role at the firm now, when you joined and your background before joining.

I joined Clifford Chance in 2019. Since 2022, I have held the position of HR Advisor. As an HR Advisor, I oversee a range of HR initiatives such as Employee Experience, HR Digital Transformation, and Wellbeing. I hold a Master's in Private Law at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. While I was studying for my Masters, I figured out that I had a deep interest in labor law and psychology. I like to keep a human-centric approach while dealing with challenges in work scenarios. This led me to pursue a career in HR, as in this specific field, I can draw on my legal background as well as keep myself connected with people. I have served several roles across sectors through which I gained experience in HR advisory, recruiting, and HR tech consultancy. My diverse experience across multiple employers and industries has endowed me with a reference framework and a keen insight into continuous enhancements, aimed at elevating the employee experience for our current talent pool and future potential talent.

Why were you interested in Clifford Chance?

After my studies, I was drawn to the idea of having a career in HR at a law firm. What particularly captivated my attention about Clifford Chance was its global nature and the prospects of collaborating with diverse teams.

How would you describe the culture and atmosphere at Clifford Chance?

We are like a close-knit family. We rally together in both favorable and challenging times. At the office, an informal ambiance pervades, while always upholding professionalism and a business-centric approach. Open door policy fosters collaboration, and individuals are granted the opportunity to express their individuality. Even hobbies that have developed into significant passions find their place, such as our iconic meeting space adorned with classic Star Wars memorabilia.


What key skills have you developed here that have been invaluable to your career?

My time at Clifford Chance has taught me some important skills, especially when it comes to working with diverse teams and thinking strategically. Thinking strategically means understanding that even small things you do every day, matter a lot in the long run. Also, I am all about thinking creatively and coming up with unique solutions to problems. It has become a big part of how I handle challenges.

What do you like most about your job?

My role is dynamic. Every day brings new situations and unique challenges to tackle. It keeps me on my toes and allows me to use my problem-solving skills to the fullest. Plus, building relationships with colleagues across different departments and watching them succeed with the guidance I provide is a wonderful feeling. Colleagues are characterized by their intelligence, motivation, kindness, and sense of humor. The ambiance encourages authentic individuality.

What is your key advice for anyone considering a career at Clifford Chance?

Staying positive and taking on challenges is super important. Every challenge is a chance to learn something valuable for the future. Also, being patient and taking time every day to think about the small moments, like having lunch with colleagues or enjoying good experiences, makes a big difference.

What's the best piece of advice you've received since joining?

"Learning never stops and one must be a lifelong student" is the best lesson I have gotten at Clifford Chance. Every situation and collaboration can teach you something new about yourself, as long as you stay curious. If you're stuck, asking for help isn't a weakness. Not asking for help stops you from growing and learning from others.

What is the most exciting project you have worked on recently?

For me, the well-being of employees is one of the primary things that boosts motivation at work. Proposing a brand-new well-being offering to enhance the employee experience was an exciting project I have recently worked on. It was all about coming up with innovative ideas to help our employees thrive. On top of that, I've also been busy digitizing our processes and supporting the service delivery team in Delhi to ensure our HR service level can be increased. It is a great pleasure to work with so many colleagues in Amsterdam but also colleagues from other offices.

What motivates you?

I am from an immigrant family and was the first generation born in the Netherlands. My mom, grandma, and the women from the previous generations did not have the opportunity to study or pursue a career. Their sacrifices as women and their vision for an equal society and workforce keep me motivated. Unfortunately, my parents didn't get to see me graduate or start my career. The spirit of my parents drives me, especially my mother's spirit. That is my drive to help women have opportunities to educate themselves and to enter the workforce. I am immensely grateful for the opportunities I have been given and the challenges I overcame so I can contribute to a more diverse society and workforce. 

 "Be courageous, go beyond your fear, and go into the arena to make the world a better place."  

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