Jack Campbell

Jack Campbell


"I would say my favourite part about working at Clifford Chance is the community here it's so supportive, and everyone is just as invested in your success as you are."

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Give a brief overview of your role at the firm now, when you joined and your background before joining . 

I joined the firm in September 2023 as a Paralegal Apprentice after leaving Sixth form and completing my A-Levels in Geography and English Language and a Level 3 Diploma in Criminology. In the time since I started, I have assisted on numerous projects, reviewing documents, chronologies, and legal research. 

What made you choose an apprenticeship?  

I chose to do an apprenticeship over the traditional University route as I was ready to start my career in the legal profession as soon as possible. I have gained invaluable experience. And, getting the opportunity to do billable work at a magic circle law firm is something I couldn’t pass up.  

 What is it that attracted you to your career within the legal sector?  

I never really thought about a career in law until my sixth form held a careers week when I was in year 12. It was after this I discovered that the legal sector is such a varied area to work in as no two days will be the same.  

What advice would you give to someone considering a career at Clifford Chance?   

Go for it. If you are willing and committed that will make a real positive impact on your experience. Take onboard all feedback you receive, and if you apply that feedback, you're in a great position to grow.  

What does working at Clifford Chance feel like?  What has been your favourite part about working at Clifford Chance?   

Having the opportunity to work at a firm like Clifford Chance makes me feel so lucky, because I'm starting my career in law in the best position possible. As well as a feeling of accomplishment especially after I have worked hard on a piece of work. 

I would say my favourite part about working at Clifford Chance is the community here it's so supportive, and everyone is just as invested in your success as you are. Also, both the professional relationships and friends that I've made here make me feel valued.  

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